Ben LaMar Gay & Sophia Watson
Ben LaMar Gay is a composer/cornetist who moves components of sound, color, and space through folkloric filters to produce brilliant electro-acoustic collages. His musical influences derive from his collection of experiences in all of the Americas and the gathered data channeled by technology and its amplifying accessibility. The fact that the world is closer via technology and that everyone has access to the possibility of exploring different ideas makes his avant-garde version of “Americana” very global.
Sophia Watson is an avid traveller and music enthusiast from the gulf coast of Mississippi. Ms. Watson’s gulf coast upbringing has forever connected her with the restorative power of water. Throughout her adventures on earth, she has only referred to places near bodies of water as “home”. As a retired teacher with the board of education, Ms. Watson exerts her explorative energy in her many travels throughout the US ,Europe, Asia and the Middle East.